
Shire Des Forges has resumed meeting. Please check the Shire Des Forges Facebook group to meet us online and get the most current plans for weekly activities, including changes of schedule or location. Major changes and announcements will also be posted on our homepage as promptly as possible.

Meetings are currently at the discretion of the Seneschal and are planned via the Facebook group or by other non-online means.

Fighter Practice:

Since Fighter Practice is always better with more people, our fighters join in on Sundays with our good friends and SCA neighbors, the Barony of Iron Mountain, at their practice in Homewood. Please visit their Facebook group to see if there has been a cancellation announcement. It’s rare, but it happens. See you there!

Award Recommendations:

If you think a member of our shire deserves recognition by the Crown, please do not hesitate to fill out an award recommendation for them!